How to update Site collection audit settings for SharePoint online with Powershell
How to update Site collection audit settings for SharePoint online with document library ?
Prerequisite 1 : Install SharePoint Online Management Shell (Google term if below link breaks)
FYI : AuditMaskType enumeration :
PowerShell Script
#Config Items
$AdminUrl = ""
$SiteUrl = ""
$Username = ""
write-host "Calling Connect-SPOService with admin URL : " + $AdminUrl + " . You will be prompted for uname and pw."
Connect-SPOService -Url $AdminUrl
write-host "Script is using user name as : " + $Username
#OLD LOGIC - Issue : password is visible on screen
#$Password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the password"
#$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force
$SecurePassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the password for " + $Username -AsSecureString
# Connect to site
$ClientContext = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteUrl)
$credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($UserName, $SecurePassword)
$ClientContext.Credentials = $credentials
$spoSite = $ClientContext.Site
$spoSiteAudit = $spoSite.Audit
write-host "Current audit flag # is : " + $spoSiteAudit.AuditFlags
#Flags (Add more flags as required)
$Copy = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::Copy;
$ObjectDelete = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::ObjectDelete;
$Move = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::Move;
$ProfileChange = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::ProfileChange;
$SchemaChange = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::SchemaChange;
$SecurityChange = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::SecurityChange;
$Undelete = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::Undelete;
$ClientContext.Site.Audit.AuditFlags = $Copy,$ObjectDelete,$Move ,$ProfileChange, $SchemaChange, $SecurityChange, $Undelete
$spoSite.RootWeb.AllProperties["_auditlogreportstoragelocation"] = "/sites/POCTest2/Shared%20Documents";
Prerequisite 1 : Install SharePoint Online Management Shell (Google term if below link breaks)
FYI : AuditMaskType enumeration :
ID | Microsoft.SharePoint. Client.AuditMaskType |
Enum Value | UI Options |
1 | All | -1 | Not available from UI |
2 | CheckIn | 2 | Checking out or checking in items |
3 | CheckOut | 1 | Checking out or checking in items |
4 | ChildDelete | 64 | Not available from UI |
5 | Copy | 2048 | Moving or copying items to another location in the site |
6 | ObjectDelete | 8 | Deleting or restoring items |
7 | Move | 4096 | Moving or copying items to another location in the site |
8 | None | 0 | Not available from UI |
9 | ProfileChange | 32 | Editing content types and columns |
10 | SchemaChange | 128 | Editing content types and columns |
11 | Search | 8192 | Searching site content |
12 | SecurityChange | 256 | Editing users and permissions |
13 | Undelete | 512 | Deleting or restoring items |
14 | Update | 16 | Editing items |
15 | View | 4 | Not available from UI |
16 | Workflow | 1024 | Not available from UI |
PowerShell Script
#Config Items
$AdminUrl = ""
$SiteUrl = ""
$Username = ""
write-host "Calling Connect-SPOService with admin URL : " + $AdminUrl + " . You will be prompted for uname and pw."
Connect-SPOService -Url $AdminUrl
write-host "Script is using user name as : " + $Username
#OLD LOGIC - Issue : password is visible on screen
#$Password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the password"
#$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force
$SecurePassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the password for " + $Username -AsSecureString
# Connect to site
$ClientContext = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteUrl)
$credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($UserName, $SecurePassword)
$ClientContext.Credentials = $credentials
$spoSite = $ClientContext.Site
$spoSiteAudit = $spoSite.Audit
write-host "Current audit flag # is : " + $spoSiteAudit.AuditFlags
#Flags (Add more flags as required)
$Copy = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::Copy;
$ObjectDelete = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::ObjectDelete;
$Move = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::Move;
$ProfileChange = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::ProfileChange;
$SchemaChange = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::SchemaChange;
$SecurityChange = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::SecurityChange;
$Undelete = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::Undelete;
$ClientContext.Site.Audit.AuditFlags = $Copy,$ObjectDelete,$Move ,$ProfileChange, $SchemaChange, $SecurityChange, $Undelete
$spoSite.RootWeb.AllProperties["_auditlogreportstoragelocation"] = "/sites/POCTest2/Shared%20Documents";
I feel this was a very complex but anyhow useful code that might have benefitted many developers and professionals out there.
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