How to update Site collection audit settings for SharePoint online with Powershell

How to update Site collection audit settings for SharePoint online with document library ?

Prerequisite 1 : Install SharePoint Online Management Shell (Google term if below link breaks)

FYI : AuditMaskType enumeration :

ID Microsoft.SharePoint.
Enum Value UI Options
1 All -1 Not available from UI
2 CheckIn 2 Checking out or checking in items 
3 CheckOut 1 Checking out or checking in items 
4 ChildDelete 64 Not available from UI
5 Copy 2048 Moving or copying items to another location in the site 
6 ObjectDelete 8 Deleting or restoring items 
7 Move 4096 Moving or copying items to another location in the site 
8 None 0 Not available from UI
9 ProfileChange 32 Editing content types and columns
10 SchemaChange 128 Editing content types and columns
11 Search 8192  
Searching site content 
12 SecurityChange 256 Editing users and permissions 
13 Undelete 512 Deleting or restoring items 
14 Update 16 Editing items
15 View 4 Not available from UI
16 Workflow 1024 Not available from UI

PowerShell Script

#Config Items
$AdminUrl = ""
$SiteUrl = ""
$Username = ""

write-host "Calling Connect-SPOService with admin URL : " + $AdminUrl + " . You will be prompted for uname and pw."
Connect-SPOService -Url $AdminUrl
write-host "Script is using user name as : " + $Username
 #OLD LOGIC - Issue : password is visible on screen
 #$Password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the password"
 #$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force

$SecurePassword = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the password for " + $Username -AsSecureString
# Connect to site
$ClientContext = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteUrl)
$credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($UserName, $SecurePassword)
$ClientContext.Credentials = $credentials
$spoSite = $ClientContext.Site
$spoSiteAudit = $spoSite.Audit
write-host "Current audit flag # is : " + $spoSiteAudit.AuditFlags
#Flags (Add more flags as required)
$Copy = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::Copy;
$ObjectDelete  = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::ObjectDelete;
$Move = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::Move;
$ProfileChange = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::ProfileChange;
$SchemaChange = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::SchemaChange;
$SecurityChange = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::SecurityChange;
$Undelete = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType]::Undelete;

$ClientContext.Site.Audit.AuditFlags = $Copy,$ObjectDelete,$Move ,$ProfileChange, $SchemaChange, $SecurityChange, $Undelete
$spoSite.RootWeb.AllProperties["_auditlogreportstoragelocation"] = "/sites/POCTest2/Shared%20Documents";


  1. I feel this was a very complex but anyhow useful code that might have benefitted many developers and professionals out there.

    Powerbi Read Soap


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