Edit site template WSP from SP 2010
How to edit existing wsp (site template)
1. Download from solution of sp2010 site, change extension from wsp to cab.
2. extracg .cab file using 7zip : http://www.7-zip.org/
3. Make change to files from extracted folder.
4. Copy just makeddf.exe to extracted folder : Download : http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/File-Management/MakeDDF.shtml
5. Open command prompt, go to extracted folder and run command (Do not change anything) : makeddf /p WspName /d WspName.ddf /c WspName.cab
6. Above command will create new .ddf file :
Now edit newly created ddf file in notepad : Remove reference to makeddf.exe (Will be 8th-9th line)
7. Now delete makecab.exe from extracted folder
8. Open command prompt, go to extracted folder and run: makecab /f WspName.ddf
9. Above command will create WSP
10. Rename cab to wsp and upload to sp2010 solution.
1. Download from solution of sp2010 site, change extension from wsp to cab.
2. extracg .cab file using 7zip : http://www.7-zip.org/
3. Make change to files from extracted folder.
4. Copy just makeddf.exe to extracted folder : Download : http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/File-Management/MakeDDF.shtml
5. Open command prompt, go to extracted folder and run command (Do not change anything) : makeddf /p WspName /d WspName.ddf /c WspName.cab
6. Above command will create new .ddf file :
Now edit newly created ddf file in notepad : Remove reference to makeddf.exe (Will be 8th-9th line)
7. Now delete makecab.exe from extracted folder
8. Open command prompt, go to extracted folder and run: makecab /f WspName.ddf
9. Above command will create WSP
10. Rename cab to wsp and upload to sp2010 solution.
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